
Match of the Month: Ke’Irah and Amber

Ke’Irah and Amber have been matched for almost six years, and have created an amazing friendship. At the match introduction, Amber brought a little plant with her. She gave it to Ke’Irah and said that she hoped she could take care of this plant and watch it grow, just like their friendship would grow. From there, the two dove into a friendship of laughter, sushi, crafts, birthday cheesecake, gardening, doing homework together, basketball games, cooking, and mutual support. They know how to make fun of each other, how to make each other laugh, and also inspire each other to be their best selves.

When Amber was asked if she’d be willing to share about the match, she responded, “Sharing to others what a great joy comes from my relationship with Keke is honestly one of my favorite things to talk about.” Simply put, as Ke’Irah says, “We just have a vibe like no one else has.”

Part of what makes these two so great is the way they support each other. Ke’Irah is a hardworking and competitive high school student as well as an athelete, and Amber has always been there to cheer on both accomplishments. Amber is an avid gardener, and one of Amber’s favorite memories is when Ke’Irah offered to help transplant seeds. They have found a rhythm together which was founded on consistency and fun and has grown into mutual care and support and long lasting friendship.

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