My name is Chris. Hunter and I have been matched for 9 years.
I still remember on day 1 with Hunter, at the BBBS office back when it was off Speer Blvd., when his mom, Martha, asked me “Why did you to want to do this program?” I’m pretty sure I fumbled my answer a bit, telling her something about wanting to get more involved in my community. But I suppose I wasn’t entirely sure. That’s why I couldn’t succinctly respond to her question. I didn’t have a reason for signing up back in 2011, other than I felt something inside. A stirring of my heart, or a tiny voice from my soul. And I ended up at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado.
Sports buddies has remained one of the few consistent variables in my life since then. I’ve changed jobs, careers, vehicles, houses, and relationships. No matter where I was at that particular phase of my life, I could always rely on that email from the Program Specialist, asking about my availability for the coming month ahead. It was almost like Christmas every month, opening that email. “Oooooh, a Rockies game, Regis University Basketball, or a Park Day with capture the flag, soccer, and waterguns?! How does one choose?! Can I do 3 events this month, or do my personal commitments only allow me to do 1?” It always worked out, month after month, and year after year.
This program, and especially my relationship with Hunter, has made me a better person. A better employee to the company I work for, a better son to my parents, a better friend, a better husband to my wife, and a better father to my little girl.
Martha, thank you so much for your support over the years. Countless times you’ve napped in your car, (because you had no choice really), after driving an hour to get to the event. Only to have to drive another hour home after what seemed like a short 90 minutes later. We could not have made it to this day without you. You are a great Mom to Hunter, and I know he looks up to you. I do too.
Commish – sometimes I feel like you aren’t human. Seriously, I have never seen this man in a bad mood. EVER. Of course it’s his job, but the program found a true superhero with Michael Kirkland. Imagine you are at your job, and you are hosting a meeting with 30 different people. Some are running late, some are early, and some aren’t responding to your calls or texts, so you don’t even know if they are going to make it to this meeting. This is what he does every single weekend. He is one of those people who always has an aura of positivity surrounding them. You feel better about yourself after being around him. He is encouraging, optimistic, and a true leader in the community. Thank you for everything my man. I appreciate your leadership and your friendship.
Thank you, Hunter, for always asking about my daughter every month when we see each other. I can still remember how excited you were for me when I told you the news that I was going to be a Dad. That means more to me than you know. Thanks for being my friend, and one of the few things in life, that I could count on every, single, month.
“One of the great ironies of life, is that he or she who serves, almost always benefits more, than he or she who is served.” – Gordon B. Hinckley
Thank you.