Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Support an Event

Events provide a variety of fun and engaging ways throughout the year to support the mission while offering networking and team-building opportunities. With multiple sponsorship levels and customized engagement opportunities available, events are the perfect way to connect your company with our mission while providing a great environment to bring your team together. Learn more about our events HERE

Support a Program

Sponsor one of BBBSC’s core mentoring programs (Community-based, mentor2.0, or Sports Buddies) and help create and support matches, provide training and enrichment activities, and connect families to resources. Opportunities include high visibility as a program sponsor throughout the year, on social media, website, and e-newsletter along with invitations to engage employees with volunteer opportunities. Learn more about our programs HERE.

Participate in our Career Possibilities Program

BOA Technology and BBBSC partnered together to launch the Career Possibilities Program over the summer of 2021 to inspire and create career pathways for youth in Colorado. Four Littles participated in an eight-week paid internship program that included in-depth, hands-on learning, and the ability to explore various departments at BOA’s global headquarters. Learn more about the Career Possibilities Program and the impact it had on our Littles HERE. Contact Lakeasha Smith at LakeashaS@biglittlecolorado.org if your company is interested in getting involved with the program.


For more information on corporate partnerships contact Lakeasha Smith at LakeashaS@biglittlecolorado.org or 720-277-2382.

Thank you to our Sponsors