Mentor Plus Model
Includes peer and group mentoring

Mentor Plus Models
Peer-to-peer and group mentoring programs that engages and supports students to make positive life choices and build healthy relationships.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Colorado (BBBSC) believes that every child has inherent and incredible potential. To help youth tap their highest potential, BBBSC’s mentor plus programs utilize a whole-child mentoring approach to create, monitor, and support matches between adult volunteers (Bigs) and children/teenagers (Littles). With BBBSC’s professional support, matches develop authentic relationships that help youth achieve success now (both in and out of school) and long into the future (post-secondary education and the workforce).
Big Futures Program
The Big Futures Program is a career and college readiness mentorship program. In Big Futures, youth 13-18 years old receive support through a life planning framework (life plan, life skills, and life connections) and an evidence-based curriculum. In addition to having a dedicated Big for one-to-one mentoring, Littles will benefit from a BBBSC staff coach, regularly scheduled group events, peer-to-peer and group mentoring, and other wrap-around supports. Another facet to the Big Futures Program is increased engagement of families and community members/partners. Big Futures ensures that youth have a plan post high school and have been exposed to different career paths to help them reach their life goals.
Learn more about the Big Futures program across the BBBS network.
Project AIM Program
Project AIM Program (Adult Identity Mentoring) is an evidence-based program designed to reduce risk behaviors among middle school age youth starting at age 11. Through Project AIM, youth are encouraged through self-exploration and skill-building activities to imagine a positive future for themselves, set future goals and consider potential barriers, negative influences and risk behaviors that can be a barrier to successful adulthood. Project AIM consists of 12 sessions over a six-week period that includes taking a career interest inventory, developing a career plan, creating business cards and resumes, and participating in interviews and role plays. Students graduate with a professional portfolio, business cards, a letter of recommendation, a certificate and the opportunity to transition into the Big Futures or Community-based Mentoring Program.
STARS Peer Mentoring Program
The STARS Peer Mentoring Program (Students Teaching About Relationships and Success) is an evidence-informed, cross-age, peer-to-peer mentoring program. Based in schools, the curriculum matches youth ages 11 to 18 in high school with a group of 3-4 peers who are at least two years (or two grade levels) younger. The program is 22 weeks long, helps students find their power, contributes to social determinants of good mental health, and increases students’ engagement with their schools and communities. Mentors receive training and coaching from an adult, then they lead activities with their mentees, giving mentors an opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills, advocate for others, feel capable, and know they're of value to others. Mentees build trust and self-awareness, while learning skills for mental health, healthy relationships, and decision making. Additionally, the program hosts the annual STARS National Conference, which was attended by 102 youth from across the United States in June 2022.
"The STARS Program was one of the highlights of my high school experience. It not only offered amazing conferences each summer and great lessons at our monthly meetings but it ignited a passion in me to serve youth and to become a mentor." - Jessikah
If you're interested in learning more about Mentor Plus or would like your school to get involved, contact Polica Houston,